Lance Bass invests in the Prime Rib Venture from Carl’s Jr and Hardee’s

Lance Bass for Carl`s Jr, Introducing the Prime Rib Venture, photo provided by Hardee's/Carl's Jr
Lance Bass for Carl`s Jr, Introducing the Prime Rib Venture, photo provided by Hardee's/Carl's Jr

Will you be part of the Prime Rib Venture like Lance Bass?

Don’t let a good investment go bye, bye, bye. The Prime Rib Venture from Carl’s Jr and Hardee’s has Lance Bass singing its praises. If you are ready to put your money behind these new menu items, your return on investment could be worth its weight in biscuits.

Recently, Carl’s Jr and Hardee’s launched its new Prime Rib menu. That succulent prime rib is paired with several menu items. From the breakfast Prime Rib and Fried Egg Biscuit to the Prime Rib and Cheddar Angus Thickburger, these menu items are for the heartiest of appetites.

Starting the day with the Prime Rib and Fried Egg Biscuit could make anyone skip lunch. The classic, fresh baked biscuit is piled high with sliced prime rib. Combined freshly cracked fried egg and topped with melted Swiss cheese, you might want extra napkins to ensure that you don’t spill that big bite. Also, a cup of coffee is great sidekick.

If you prefer a bigger lunch meal, consider the Prime Rib Angus and Cheddar Thickburger. If the Thickburger wasn’t tempting enough, it is topped with the prime rib, a cheddar sauce and caramelized onions. That big bite is served on a toasted bun. Wonder what wine pairs perfectly with this menu item?

Prime Rib Venture
Hardee’s Prime Rib Promo, photo provided by Hardee’s

To celebrate the new menu items, the Prime Rib Venture gives Carl’s Jr and Hardee’s fans a great return on investment. You don’t have to have a business degree or a great stock market portfolio to know that this investment is worth the money.

Starting today through October 13, people can visit to invest just $1. That single dollar can reap big returns. Here is the break down.

  • Round 1: 10/1(9am ET) – 10/4 (11:59am ET) : Receive a $10 gift card for $1
  • Round 2: 10/4 (12pm ET) – 10/8 (11:59am ET): Receive a $7 gift card for $1
  • Round 3: 10/8 (12pm ET) – 10/13 (11:59am ET)): Receive a $5 gift card for $1

There aren’t too many investments that will give you that type of return on your money. It is definitely worth investing.

For Lance Bass, he recommends the venture. While he is a huge fan of the biscuits, he understands that a good investment can pay off in the long run. He might have said bye-bye to his boy band days, but he has become a successful entertainer and businessman. Knowing when to take advantage of the big play is always a smart move.

If you can spare a dollar, put it to good use. That Prime Rib Venture is here and you will want to go all in on a big bite.

What is your favorite Carl’s Jr or Hardee’s menu item?