While it might be a mythical creature, National Unicorn Day is a reason to put sweet, colorful treats on the plate. Luckily, there are a rainbow of food options that everyone can enjoy.
Often a symbol of strength and purity, unicorns have leant themselves to food trends. It seems that the colorful food offers a sense of whimsy on the plate. From that simple snack to a fantasy cake, it brings a sense of imagination to the table.
Of course, crafting offers some engaging ways to bring the unicorn theme to life. Crayola offers a unicorn plate mask idea. Many brands offer unicorn themed decorations. It can be easy to set the stage.
What should you eat on National Unicorn Day?
Often on a food holiday, many brands find opportunities to add flavor to the experience. This year’s celebration is no exception.
Chuck E. Cheese is celebrating with Ronnie the Unicorn and Unicorn Churros. This dessert might be one of the only ways to get kids to take a break from all the fun at Chuck E. Cheese.
And, if you are celebrating National Unicorn Day at Chuck E. Cheese, it is offering a Spring Family Fun Pack. Starting at $34.99, the package includes two large one topping pizza, a spring dessert, goodie bags, activity sheet and 350 e-ticket voucher.
Check out a Unicorn song to get everyone excited for the holiday.
JELL-O Magic Unicorn Cupcake Pudding
Isn’t there always room for JELL-O? Luckily, the JELL-O Magic Unicorn Cupcake Pudding makes celebrating easy. What parent doesn’t like easy?
Plus, Ibotta is offering a rebate when consumers buy the JELL-O Magic Unicorn Cupcake Pudding. Check out Ibotta for details on how to receive a freebate sample on Jell-O ($2.49). The offer is available April 9-April 11.
Kraft Mac & Cheese Unicorn Shapes
Who doesn’t want a little magic at dinner? The Kraft Mac & Cheese Unicorn Shapes are an easy and tasty. Plus, it is a dinner that the whole family likes.
Ibotta is offering a rebate, too. There’s a $0.25 back and more if you buy the Kraft Mac & Cheese and JELL-O together. Check out Ibotta for more details.
Mother’s Sparkling Mythical Creature cookies
Who doesn’t love Mother’s Cookies? Those classic circus cookies have a fantastical twist in the newest addition. Instead of the traditional animals, these cookies feature four new mythical shapes including unicorn, sea serpents, mermaid, and dragons. The creations have been dressed up with glitter sprinkles and a lavender icing. The new cookies are available at various retailers in several different sizes.
To celebrate the new cookie and National Unicorn Day, Mother’s has partnered with Sprinkles to offer a special cupcake. This limited-edition cupcake, Mythical Creature by Mother’s, is available through April 11 at Sprinkles locations.

Klondike Cones Unicorn Dreamin’
What would you do for Klondike Cones Unicorn Dreamin’? These colorful ice cream treats are bursting with flavor. The strawberry and bubblegum ice cream is encased in a green wafer cone. With a strawberry core, the sweet treat will definitely spark some imagination.
Popsicle Fruit Twisters Mango, Strawberry & Vanilla
The unicorn’s horn is just as important as the colorful nature of the mythical creature. The Popsicle Fruit Twisters look like that unicorn horn. Plus, parents feel good about the kids eating the mango, strawberry and non-fat milk frozen treat.
Baskin-Robbins has all types of unicorn treats. There are a variety of unicorn cakes available, including the Unicorn Tiered Cake.
Plus, guests can always get the DIY Creature Creations Unicorn Kit. The kit includes ice cream, unicorn cups and rainbow horn toppers. The whole family can let their imagination come to life.
These ideas are just a few of many options to celebrate National Unicorn Day. Why not embrace some fun and imagination for the food holiday. A little extra color on the plate is always a good idea.