While the holiday table can be filled with spirited conversation, traditional recipes, and a bounty of food, one debate always is served. Is it the main protein or the side dishes that take over the plate? In a recent survey, Campbell’s gets to the bottom of the Thanksgiving side dish preferences.
The idea of Thanksgiving being a feast often means overflowing plates and second helpings. While portion control may not be part of the conversation, the reality is that people want those favorite flavors. Call it familiar, comforting, or something else, the reality is that everyone wants to have that second, third or more bite.
Although people can have preferences over mashed potatoes smoothness, stuffing ingredients, and whether there should be marshmallows on sweet potatoes, the reality is that side dishes can often steal the thunder from the main protein. Even if that turkey is perfectly cooked, it might not be the star of the plate.
According to a recent Campbell’s Thanksgiving side dish preferences survey, “66 percent of respondents prefer sides to their holiday entrée.” While that sentiment does not mean the turkey is kicked off the table, it might be an argument to have a smaller bird compared to the abundance of side dishes.

What are the top Thanksgiving side dish preferences?
While grandma’s recipe might have a special place in many people’s hearts, the reality is that people love side dishes. According to the Campbell’s survey, “90 percent of consumers plan to serve the same number or more sides this season.” Even though food costs are impacting the holiday budget, the reality is that people are hungry for those flavors.
Although some people might have a different answer, the survey found that the five most popular side dishes are: mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing and mac and cheese. While the repreparation methods may vary (remember those side dish smoothies), it shows that the traditional food choices are often served during the holiday.
Given the popularity of side dishes, half of respondents said they would be happy with just sides and almost ¾ said they feel that they have run out of plate space for all those dishes. This year, Campbell’s is stepping in to put side dishes front and center.

The Campbell’s Holiday Sides Plate is the meant for all those people who cannot get enough mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing and more. It has five compartments, which is the optimum number of side dishes for a meal. Two sections are slightly larger for that extra helping.
The Campbell’s Holiday Sides Plate is available online at SidesSeason.com for $15. Proceeds from the sales will be given to Feeding America, which helps to fight food insecurity.
From new recipes to old favorites, the Thanksgiving table is full of delicious food. Luckily, the side dishes will be front and center in that food celebration.