Last minute Mother’s Day deals: Lavish mom with restaurant deals


Need last minute Mother’s Day deals? Give mom the delicious food that she deserves and save a little money with these restaurant deals.

Don’t worry if you need last minute Mother’s Day deals. Mom doesn’t have to know that you didn’t plan her celebration months in advance. These yummy food celebrations will keep mom happy and you out of the dog house.

Everyone knows that mom doesn’t lift a finger on Mother’s Day. From the moment she wakes up till the day is over, this Sunday is filled with relaxation and celebration. Even though Mother’s Day is a special occasion, the pampering doesn’t need to be left to just one day. Many of these restaurant deals will keep her smiling beyond Sunday’s festivities.

Fogo de Chao

Many moms enjoy dining out. When you take mom to Fogo de Chao on Mother’s Day, she will receive a dining card for a “complimentary Full Churrasco lunch, dinner or Sunday brunch on her next visit.” This special offer can be redeemed May 14 through July 12. With this restaurant deal, mom gets two dinners out for her annual celebration.

Last minute Mother’s Day deals photo provided by Einstein Noah Restaurant Group

Einstein Bros Bagels

Give mom your heart, or a heart-shaped bagel for Mother’s Day. The popular bagel restaurant chain will offer heart-shaped bagels for Mother’s Day. The heart-shaped bagels in chocolate chip, cranberry and plain flavors can be pre-ordered now.

Macaroni Grill

Does mom love classic Italian cuisine? Head to Macaroni Grill this Sunday for either a brunch or prix fix menu of Italian favorites. For just $25, the prix fixe menu features your choice of four entrees and a sweet treat for just $25.

More importantly, mom will get a coupon for 25% off her next visit. Valid May 16 through June 15, this coupon is valid offer any purchase of $10 or more.

More from FoodSided

Boston Market

Sometimes a simple, easy meal at home is just the ticket for Mother’s Day. At Boston Market, an additional whole rotisserie chicken is just $2.99 with the purchase of a family meal. Maybe get mom a few extra whole chickens. Those leftovers mean that she doesn’t have to cook again for a couple of days.


If your mom loves chicken wings, take her to Hooters for this year’s celebration. Since 2011, Hooters has been serving moms free meals on Mother’s Day. The special Mother’s Day Menu features a variety of choices, including smoked wings. The only catch is that you have to buy mom a drink with her free meal. Doesn’t mom deserve a beer with those smoked wings?

Ibotta’s Mimosa for Mom

Mom deserves a celebratory cocktail on Mother’s Day. With the Ibotta app, mom can get a mimosa. Using the Ibotta app, moms can get a reward via the Mimosas for Moms promotion. The promotion gives moms a $5 cash back reward when she uploads a receipt of a mimosa purchase at participating restaurants and bars.

Next: Best Mother's Day brunches

These last minute Mother’s Day deals are just a few of the many restaurant deals available. How will you be celebrating with mom this Mother’ Day?