Step into a branch of Dunder Mifflin The Office pop-up at Replay Lincoln Park

Do you love The Office? Grab a friend and head to The Office pop-up at Replay Lincoln Park. No your friend doesn’t have to be named Dwight.

The Office is coming to Replay Lincoln Park. From July 27 through August 20, the Lincoln Park bar and arcade will transform into a Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin. Since the Party Planning Committee and the Committee to Plan Parties did approve this endeavor, fans of the television show will be ecstatic with the attention to every detail.

This Office pop-up bar is fun for fans. Recently, there has been a lot of chatter about a potential show re-boot. While fans have to re-watch Pam, Jim and Dwight previous shenanigans, people can hope that these characters might have a new life. Since the show hasn’t lost its popularity, the idea of this pop-up bar is quite entertaining.

Since décor is only part of the pop-up experience, the special themed cocktails allow guests to channel their favorite characters. On the menu are Orange-Vod-Juice-Ka, Michael Scott’s “One of Everything, Cialis-in-Wonderland, the Scotch and Splenda and Benihana’s Frozen Margaritas.

The Office pop-up at Replay Lincoln Park, photo provided by Replay Lincoln Park

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Not to be a snob, but why would anyone want to put Splenda in scotch. I’ve never understood that drink. It ruins the scotch, Splenda isn’t that tasty and there are plenty of better ways to get drunk.

If I had to pick one of the special themed cocktails, I would choose the Benihana’s Frozen Margaritas. Can you ever really go wrong with a frozen margarita? Just remember to sip slowly to avoid that dreaded brain freeze.

Replay Lincoln Park has had other pop-up bar events. Previously, there was a Pokemon pop-up earlier this year. I wonder what the bar will choose for its next theme. Maybe some super fans can submit some suggestions.

Are you ready for the weekend and The Office pop-up at Replay Lincoln Park? You can order a Scotch and Splenda. I won’t judge you.