SweetHearts conversational hearts missing– Valentine’s Day is ruined

Have you been looking for SweetHearts conversational hearts? The classic, iconic Valentine’s Day candy is nowhere to be found on store shelves.

Is Valentine’s Day ruined? SweetHearts conversational hearts aren’t anywhere in the candy aisle. For decades, this classic Valentine’s Day candy has been a favorite of food fans both young and old. Whether it was a classic saying or a new modern phrase, this Valentine’s Day candy was always a fun choice. What happened to the SweetHearts?

If you remember a while back, the New England Confectionary Company (Necco) was sold. While attempts were made to save the beloved candy company, the efforts were not enough. Why is this company closure important? Necco made SweetHearts conversational hearts.

According to the CandyStore.com, the classic conversational hearts were the most popular Valentine’s Day candy. While the tasty, yummy factor could be debated, everyone loved these candies. Now, with Necco gone, is there a candy that can take the place of this icon?

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Granted, other companies have started to make conversational hearts. Still, those new offerings don’t hold the same nostalgia as the Necco version. This year for Valentine’s Day how will your special someone feel the sweet love?

Walking down the candy aisle, there are numerous Valentine’s Day candy choices. From major companies like Reeses and M&M’s, the red, pink and heart shaped confectionary choices are many.

M&M’s have seen a huge surge in popularity. It could be the color or maybe the personalization factor, but these candies could take conversational hearts place. While these sweet treats are tempting, the nostalgia factor is missing.

Still, candy will be a huge gift for Valentine’s Day. With “58 million pounds of chocolate bought during Valentine’s Day week,” someone you know will be buying or getting candy. Even if you buy a box of chocolates for yourself, you are part of the candy buying frenzy.

This year for Valentine’s Day, there seems to be a little less love in the air. Is Valentine’s Day ruined because there are no Sweethearts conversational hearts? Not exactly, but maybe a nice card could express those sweet sayings that are missing from the candy aisle.