Better Butterfinger? Will the new Butterfinger be out of this world?


The new, better Butterfinger has just launched. Will this new, improved candy recipe have you saying “nobody lays a finger on my better Butterfinger?”

The new better Butterfinger has hit store shelves nationwide. With this candy launch, Butterfinger has released a new character in support of the new recipe. Will this new, improved candy recipe appeal to the brand’s biggest fans?

Butterfinger has been a popular candy bar for years. The combination of chocolate and peanut butter was unlike other candies because this candy had texture. The crisp, crunch combined with smooth chocolate had everyone, including Bart Simpson, “nobody lays a finger on my better Butterfinger.”

According to the brand, the new candy recipe has “more crispety, crunchety, peanut buttery goodness.” While I haven’t tried the new recipe, it appears that the candy is looking to increase the texture in the candy bar. Texture in candy seems to be a popular food trend.

For many people, texture offers more food and eating satisfaction. That crunch is more than just a sound, feel or taste. It adds to the enjoyment of a food. Just like a chef who looks for balance in a dish, candy can benefit from added texture.

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In this case, the Butterfinger’s new recipe had both texture and added flavor. By adding crunch, the candy bar gains another layer of peanut butter flavor. Sweet balanced by flavorful peanut butter combines more balanced bite.

While new recipes keep products from being stale, sometimes changes to the original aren’t well received by fans. Everyone can remember that old versus new soda debacle. Although someone will be skeptical, this change should be well received by Butterfinger fans because the change enhances the candy’s flavor. It isn’t change for change sake.

More importantly, companies who don’t want to evolve can be left behind. Butterfinger has created variations on its classic brand. Previously, it launched a dark chocolate version to compliment the classic candy bar. While slightly different, it appealed to a different audience due to the dark chocolate. Again, the evolution keeps the brand fresh.

To showcase the brand’s new recipe, the better Butterfinger campaign takes an intriguing approach to the company’s classic line, “nobody lays a finger on my better Butterfinger.” Check out the new commercial.

Overall, the commercial is cute and entertaining. It might not be as iconic as Bart Simpson, but the alien should make it memorable. More importantly, it should drive people to try the new Butterfinger recipe. Isn’t that the whole point of an ad campaign?

light. Related Story. Is dark chocolate taking over the candy aisle?

Do you think that the new better Butterfinger will be a hit? Share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment or tagging us on social media using #FoodSided.