Did Super Bowl 53 ads convince you to make a change?

Many Super Bowl 53 ads had a common theme. Did these messages of change inspire you to choose a different beverage, food or product?

Which Super Bowl 53 ads resonated with you? With a lackluster game on the field, more people were talking about the best Super Bowl commercials, the half time show and the food served at your party. After seeing all the commercials, did you spot a common theme?

Of course, the celebrity appearances, funny gags and animals made appearances. Still, one of the bigger themes was a better tomorrow. For example, Budweiser focused on its wind powered initiatives. Michelob Ultra Pure Gold commented on the multisensory experience. Stella Artois encouraged clean water programs.

While all these causes were presented in a clever and sometimes endearing way, the question remains. Will you change your “normal” in response to these commercials? Isn’t that the purpose of a successful Super Bowl commercial?
Zoe Kravtiz in Michelob ULTRA Pure Gold commercial
Looking at the successful Super Bowl commercials, the subtle, yet funny message could have consumers embrace both the product and the message. No one likes a “preachy” or mean message about corn syrup. Did you feel bad about your drink when that commercial aired? Feeling bad won’t spark a change; people need to be inspired.

The idea with these Super Bowl 53 ads is to spark a dialogue and in turn introduce consumers to something new and different. Maybe you will want to say hello to a new Doritos flavor or maybe you want to see if there are actually 318,000 Pringles flavor stacks. Those commercials brought people together, instead of alienating anyone.

Overall, people want to find a connection. The idea needs to resonate and bring them into the moment, group and experience. [yellow tail] Wine captured that ideal. Their concept of “Tastes Like Happy” confirms the concept that many people are seeking. While many people might not be traveling the world in search of epic moments, everyone has a moment of happiness in their lives. In a world full of dividedness, don’t we all want the happy?

Even the Pepsi bubly commercial of bubly vs. Buble brings the happy. It is a little silly, but that is ok. It seemed to impact viewers in a way that makes them want to try a product that maybe isn’t in their normal use. In a way, it is making drinking water fun again. Aren’t we all supposed to drink more water?

Overall, the most successful Super Bowl 53 ads weren’t mean, rude or condensing. People shouldn’t be made to feel bad about food or beverage choices. Eating is always meant to be enjoyable.

What Super Bowl 53 ads did you find the most successful? Was there a commercial that really surprised you?